how we are run

Amnesty International is a democratic movement, answerable to our own members – not to any governments or political or donor interests. Our organisation has leadership tiers at an international, national and regional level, which enables our democratic and self-governing structure to work as powerfully as possible to make a lasting difference for human rights.

Amnesty International South Africa is a section of Amnesty International and is governed by a member-elected national board. 

The national board provides governance, leadership and stewardship as part of a global movement of human rights defenders. It ensures that our global vision, mission and plans, as well as any decisions made at the Global Assembly (international AGM) and Annual General Meetings, are implemented in South Africa.



Nwabisa is an investor relations and corporate affairs leader with 15+ years broad-based experience in both the private and public sector. She is currently the director investor relations at Sun International. Nwabisa is a member of the Institute of Directors, a founding member of the South African Investor Relations Society, a member of the African Investor Relations, and a member of the Association of Black Securities and Investment Professionals. She has volunteered at several foundations and is a founding trustee of the Hewlett Packard Women’s Trust and is involved in her community’s educational upliftment projects focusing on rural children at primary level. Nwabisa has sat on several boards, including chairing the Telkom Foundation.
CHAIR (leave of absence)

Alexander Ehlers

Alexander, known as Xander is an accomplished educator and researcher specialising in law, historical injustice, and spatial injustice. He is currently working as an independent researcher in law and social sciences. He has taught university courses, organised symposiums, and presented papers at local and international conferences. Dedicated to academic activism, he drives policy reform and has volunteered with Amnesty International South Africa for nearly a decade. Xander is a former member of AISA's university chapter and Alumni Network.
Acting Chair


Kayan, a multidisciplinary human rights lawyer for over 11 years, specialises in policy analysis, advocacy, training, research, and strategic litigation. Her expertise includes gender-based violence, environmental rights, business and human rights, refugees, and migration. Kayan currently works as head of the strategic litigation programme at Lawyers for Human Rights, with a specific focus on gender, GBV, international law and labour.

Rabia Parker

Rabia works in the field of sustainable development consulting at OneWorld Sustainable Investments with a focus on climate finance and linking development challenges to climate-related issues. She has a business science degree specialising in finance and is currently completing a Master's in Economic Development. Rabia is a former member of AISA’s university chapter and Alumni Network. She also volunteers with Fun Learning for Youth as a high school mathematics tutor and fundraising committee project manager.

Duduzile Mabaso

Duduzile is the founder of her own NPO, Her Pride Foundation, which works with everyone who shares the burden of keeping a girl child in school during their menstrual cycle. She has been running her NPO since 2018, while also studying. Duduzile is a young person who holds a Master of Arts degree in Political Studies from the University of Witwatersrand. She was also appointed a member of the Golden Key International Honours Society International Council of Student Leaders, where she represented Southern African Chapters, launched multiple outreach programs, and raised the chapter’s global status from silver to gold. Duduzile previously held positions within the AISA Wits University chapter, acting as the secretary in 2021 and later assuming the role of chair in 2022.
Youth Rep