Code of Conduct for Amnesty International South African Members
It is important to read and understand the Code of Conduct for an Amnesty International South Africa Member before becoming an officially recognised Member of Amnesty International South Africa.
The struggle for the protection of human rights must be a collective effort at both a national and international level. This is because human rights are universal and a worldwide outcry can promote and defend human rights most effectively. These responsibilities and points of conduct are designed to safeguard Amnesty International South Africa’s impartiality, independence and consistency upon which its effectiveness depends. They are also designed to safeguard Members, as it is through a common understanding we can protect each other.
In order to function most effectively as a human rights movement, the members of Amnesty International South Africa have agreed to adhere strictly to three fundamental responsibilities:
1. Members will not represent Amnesty International South Africa
Members will not act as official representatives, nor speak on behalf of or in the name of Amnesty International South Africa. This stipulation seeks to protect the individual from persecution and reprisals and keeps Amnesty International South Africa’s message consistent and effective.
2. Members will only work on material generated by AI South Africa’s National Office
The national and global pressure generated by Amnesty International can never be really effective unless it is well coordinated and reflects the accuracy of the organisation’s research. To achieve this, the membership has given AI South Africa’s National Office the responsibility for providing reliable information and working out general strategies. By working exclusively on the basis of material from AI South Africa, members know that they are contributing to the effectiveness of national and global l campaigns.
3. Members will conduct themselves in an ethical, responsible and respectable manner
This includes not engaging in or writing offensive or harmful behaviour in the form of bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination or behaviour that is seen by Amnesty International South Africa to be in violation of this Code of Conduct.
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Amnesty International South Africa has the right to revoke an individual’s membership if the member is found to be in breach of this Code of Conduct.
Amnesty International South Africa is responsible for maintaining this Code of Conduct.